Singing Guide: The Chainsmokers

Singing Guide: The Chainsmokers

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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How to Sing like The Chainsmokers

Have you ever wondered how to sing like The Chainsmokers? Their unique style blends pop vocals and electronic beats, resulting in catchy and upbeat songs that dominate the charts. Learning to sing like them requires a combination of techniques and skills that we will explore in this article, accompanied by exercises that will help you master them.

Vocal Technique

The Chainsmokers' vocal style is characterized by the use of breathy, whispered, and falsetto vocals. They often employ vocal chop techniques, which involve cutting up and rearranging short vocal samples into a melody.

Breath Control

In order to achieve a breathy and whispered quality in your vocals, you need to master proper breath control. Practicing breathing exercises like Farinelli Breathing can effectively develop breath support for long and sustained phrases, aspirated consonants, and a relaxed mouth and raised soft palate.


Learning to hit high falsetto notes like The Chainsmokers can be challenging, as it requires proper placement of the voice and breath control. The Vocal Training Game offers a range of exercises that help with coordination and strengthening of the head voice, allowing you to hit high notes without straining your vocal cords.

Vocal Chop Technique

To learn the vocal chop technique, you need to master vocal agility and break down your vocals into smaller segments. Pitch Training has an exercise called 'Pitch Leap,' which involves jumping rapidly to different pitches and can help improve your vocal agility.

Song Selections

The Chainsmokers' songs are a perfect example of their vocal and musical style, and offer a variety of techniques to hone in on. Ultimately, their approach is quite simple, with many songs being centred around straightforward lyrics and delivering catchy melodies.


Closer, one of The Chainsmokers' biggest hits, features a prominent vocal chop melody and uses breathy vocals in the verses and falsetto in the chorus. If you wish to improve your vocal chops, this audio guide on Vocal Pitch Monitor aids you by recording your pitch with real-time pitch detection on a virtual piano.

Don't Let Me Down

Don't Let Me Down, with its prominent bassline and banging synths, is another memorable hit by The Chainsmokers. This song requires proper breath control in the build-up sections, including some aspirated consonants that require a lot of control. Once mastered, the song's energetic chorus allows you to showcase your high falsetto.

Practical Tips

In addition to technical vocal training and song selections, there are several practical tips to keep in mind when learning to sing like The Chainsmokers.

Listen to the Masters

Listen to The Chainsmokers' songs, and identify the parts that appeal to you, such as vocal style, phrasing, and melodies. Analyze them and practice them one by one with assistance will Vocal Training Games.

Find your own Authentic Voice

Developing individuality is essential, and The Chainsmokers have a unique sound that is distinctively theirs. Use their style as a template and fuse it with your own voice. Use resources on Pitch Range and Song Search to help find songs that suit your voice type.

Take Care of Your Voice

Like with any musical instrument, taking good care of your voice is necessary. Practicing good vocal hygiene and regularly warming up your voice can greatly extend its longevity. Utilizing Vocal Health tips and Breath Control can help maintain your vocal ability for years to come.

In conclusion, mastering The Chainsmokers' vocal style requires a combination of breath control, falsetto, and vocal chops techniques. With their energetic and catchy songs, along with practical tips and tools such as Pitch Training and Vocal Pitch Monitor, you too can learn to sing like The Chainsmokers!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.